Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Instant Gratification (Politically Minded) You've been warned...

I was thinking about internet dependency, still, and I realized that this generation is one that expects everything instantly. And it doesn't just revolve around what products we want to order online, or getting a response via text. We think that way for everything now.

20 years ago we would never expect a president to come into the situation our nation is in and expect INSTANT results - and in a 4-8 year term, 2 years is still pretty instant if you are expecting miracles. Even when we had Clinton, it wasn't instant, but looking back he was a pretty amazing president and did a lot for us.

I guess it's just frustrating to see how impatient we are as a people. I try to be patient, I really do. But it's hard when I know I can get what I want immediately if I use the right sources. Which makes those other things even harder to wait for!

I won't lie, I'm disappointed with the majority of the election results. I am a democrat, I was raised that way, my mom was raised that way. I don't try to change others minds, but I don't mind a well educated debate on topics every once in awhile.

An uneducated one however, is not something I willingly engage in. I get so frustrated with people who talk about issues like they know something, and THEY DON'T. They can't offer a single FACT to support their beliefs, their beliefs that are tweaked a little from their neighbor who got their ideas from their neighbor, and maybe about twenty people back there was some truth and understanding in why someone feels the way they do about the current political state. But the person I always end up talking to is just saying what they heard, and adapted to themselves with absolutely no knowledge of the facts.

I am not going to say that I think Obama is the best president we have ever had, I am not going to say I agree with all of this policies. I do think we have not given him a chance to change anything, and blocked any attempt he has made to help the nation. I respect him a great deal for the job he took on, and I think of him as an incredibly smart, respectable man. There, that's how I feel, without getting into the nitty-gritty.

What does frustrate me is the lack of respect we have, as a nation, for our President. I think I've said this before, but I remember how if ANYONE said anything negative about PERFECT President Bush you were unpatriotic and not supporting our LEADER. The one that the nation's majority voted into office. I took that and learned from it. I really did, I quit saying how much I hated him and his policies and his war games. I respected that this is who we have, and trusted him to not screw us up too bad. See where that got us?? And now we have a new president, the one that the nation's majority voted into office and so many people that told me to respect the old disrespect and speak hate for the new. How two-faced and hypocritical, shame on you that have done this! Even if you dislike the president and did not vote for him, he is still our president, our leader, the chosen one for our nation for at least four years. If you have problems with his policies, get political and do something about, quit bitching about something you have no intention of doing anything other words, whining doesn't get anyone anywhere. Action does.

Another heated debate that I am most positive most people will not agree with me on is Immigration. I got into this a little bit last night. I am not saying that things don't need to change, and that better policies don't need to be put in place. But I do think that we "Americans" are pretty damn high and mighty to say no one else can be an American now. My Great Grandmother was an 'illegal immigrant' and the thoughts back then were not very kind towards the Irish. Irish were hated by many in these FINE states, they stole jobs and had large families. What is the difference now guys? You realize that Mexico used to OWN California right? That we took it from them? So whose land is it anyway? I don't think fencing our country in and closing people out is going to help anyone. People say it's the jobs that hurt us. That the Mexican immigrants are taking away all our jobs. Which to me, is crap. There were orchards that went unpicked because no one would go work for an orchard, while how many hundreds of people sat on unemployment because they were too good to pick apples for a living? Without immigrants no self-respecting 'white' person is going to do that crap work. And if the apples don't get picked, they don't get sold, and if they don't get sold the orchard goes out of business, and everyone loses their job. How does that help the economy?

Ok so I've ranted quite a bit, and strayed really long way from instant gratification. Sorry.

Anyway I guess what I really wanted to make a point of is, that nothing good comes easily or quickly. Give this president a chance, if that is even possible with the House the way it is now. Have some patience and if you are really unhappy with something, do something about it. Don't sit there and whine about it. Write someone, or something, get educated on the matter, then you can actually sit down and talk about it!

Much love to you all!

1 comment:

  1. I'm new to the political game. Personally, I have lost respect for the "president" overall (not any individual, but the office itself.) There is a voice that is lost when our current process is involved. So many points of views lost in the shuffle, too much money being spent to buy an outcome. Why do we have ONE person standing for the nation with so much power? I thought the president was supposed to be a voice for the people, not the decider? I have many years to learn, and I know this- not saying I'm right or wrong.
    Instant, online, and Now is how we live because that's how life has transitioned. We don't use telegraphs or other once upon a time Modern technology because tech is ever changing. I enjoy the simple way of life, but don't see the point in discrediting a reliance on the internet all together (not directed to ur post just a general statement) Embrace whats around us, teach our kids that there are things greater then the sedentary lifestyle and pass along the knowledge our parents did. (Wow its one of those days! I think I need to address the right person here, thanks for opening the door Im off on my war path lol...)
