Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I'm Thankful...

Some days it's hard to see all the blessings we have, it's easy to get wrapped up in what we want or need, or feel that we our lives are crap or whatever.
So today, in the spirit of the season, I'm making a list of all the things I'm thankful for. My kids may not be with me on Thanksgiving, and yes that is hard. But they will be with loved ones, who care about them.

I'm thankful for my family. I'm thankful that my children have a father that loves them and sees them every week. I'm thankful for their step-mom who cares and loves for them also. My children are blessed to have 3 sisters and an older brother to care for them and share memories with.
I, personally, have a loving, wonderful mother to share my Thanksgiving day meal, and a brother whom I love very much. I am also thankful for my friend, and co-worker, Carrie, for joining us at our holiday dinner! When you can't be with family, be with friends, the company is usually good - because you can chose it- and the conversation is always interesting at least!
I may complain about living in an apartment, but I am very thankful for the space of three bedrooms and the heat from the baseboard heaters. It may be cold outside but we are warm and cozy in here.
I'm thankful for my car - it may not be new, but it runs great and provides the transportation we need.
I'm thankful for my job, and compassionate employer, my friend, Joy. I'm thankful for the laughs, the employment and the consistency in her friendship. I'm thankful for all of my co workers, and the kindness we all seem to have for each other. I'm so grateful that I am able to provide for them while they are with their dad and spend every day I have with them - home - WITH them!
I'm thankful that on my small income, I am not only able to survive, but thrive and that my children lack for nothing. They might not have ALL the most expensive toys, but they don't want for anything, almost to a fault!
I'm thankful for my community and the closeness and caring you get from a small town like this, everyone knows you, and everyone waves. It's a great place to raise my kids and I'm thankful that I have the opportunity to do that!
I'm grateful for my friends. Old and new, it is a wonderful journey getting to know people and to share a lifetime with the ones that stick around. I'm thankful for my friend Jessica and her wonderful family. I'm happy to say that I know her family almost as well as my own, something only a lifelong friendship could give me. I wouldn't want to lose that for anything!
I'm thankful for my health, and that of my children. I'm happy that I am able to provide for them and care for them. I am very blessed to have these two wonderful, healthy, smart, amazing children!
There are many things I am thankful for, many things that I am in awe that I have and have been given. I have a wonderful life, and I'm so happy that one days like these, I am able to reflect and recognize all the gifts that have been bestowed on me and mine. And I'm able to forget the hardships and hurts that I have felt over the years. Because those things, we learn from the hurt, and we move on, but if we dwell and feel sorry for ourselves we can never really appreciate all the blessings we have right in front of us.
So today, even if you are going through a hard time in your life, take stock, see the good, and love the people who are around you. Cling to the good this holiday season, and if possible, let the bad be forgotten for a little while.
I love you all! Have a very happy Thanksgiving!

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