Saturday, December 18, 2010

Repost this if you believe...

These are probably the biggest pet peeve of mine. I’m not saying I care if you post them but it makes me feel bad that I don’t.  I mean logically. I believe what I believe, I am not ashamed to tell people what I believe, but at the same time. It’s no one else’s damn business what I believe!

Did I use ‘believe’ enough in that opening paragraph? I’m sure I could have put it in there a few more times if I tried.

Ok you all know what I’m talking about “I believe in God -80% of you will not repost this because you are ashamed or afraid someone will laugh at you, but you will worship celebrities and post mean things, and you’ll sleep through church but stay up for movies/games yada yada yada”  

First of all, I’m 30 years old.  If someone laughs at me or makes fun of me for a post that I put up, well then, I hope it was actually funny. But really, so what?  It’s not about being accepted by everyone on Facebook, at least not for me.  You all have your own beliefs, and most of you are adults and “mature” enough not to just flame someone because you don’t agree. So if I WANT to put something as my status I will, regardless of who might make fun of me.

Second of all, who am I really accountable towards?  Certainly my faith is not in the hands of the person who spammed the message in the first place, and that’s all we are really doing by reposting it.  Proving to everyone else on facebook – “Hey look guys, I did it, I believe, see I told you!”  Not really my thing. 

Thirdly, if God did read facebook status’, I don’t think he’s out there going uh-oh Rochelle didn’t post that spam email about how much she believes in me, and then proceeds to put a bad mark in my file.  I think he is much more concerned about the mean and hateful things he sees, or the nice and caring ones.  Not the ones that say look at me I believe. Those are just words, words written by someone else. They are not from your heart.  That’s the same as being a Sunday Christian, so what?  You posted it, are you living it?  Then who cares?! 

I personally think that good people are good people, regardless of religious beliefs and the other.   Bad people are bad people, they can even come in brightly colored packages that advertise Christian, I happen to know at least one of these types of deceiving “Christians”  and if I had to stand beside her and say what I believed I would have a really, really hard time saying we had the same beliefs. 

The point?  If you want to be a Christian awesome, if you really want to post those things, great.  But I don’t think of you as a great Christian because you do, and I will most likely not repost it. Mainly because I think the idea is ridiculous.

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