Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Politics of Bullies

Normally I try to stay out of politics, especially in my blogs, but this was something I couldn't ignore, and has been heavy on my heart since the first incident was publicized. All I can think about is that could be my child, or my child's friend. Dealing with a tragedy like this effects all of us...please don't forget that as you read this.

April, bullied for her weight

With all these horrible incidents of suicide, related to bullying, coming up in the media. Incidents that have been happening for awhile, it's hard to watch all the politics involved. I get so frustrated listening to the left and right sides of the story.

Bottom line, our kids need protected, and if we can put a better policy into effect to help our teaching staff do so, then we should all be for it 110%

After listening to Anderson Cooper's Interview with Candi Cushman, I am even more upset! Focus on the Family is a great organization, I get it, but it's so idealistic vs. realistic. No, I don't think we should be teaching kindergartners the in's and out's of being a homosexual family. But in the same breath I don't want sexual education teaching all the in's and out's of heterosexuality! But I do think by learning tolerance at a young age it helps us keep an open mind as we grow up.

Phoebe, bullied for accused
sexual activity and race
Think about racial issues of the past. Most people our age have no issue interacting with people of other races. People a generation ago, raised with and taught racial biased, have a much harder time adjusting. It's the same thing. You don't have to agree with homosexuality to be a respectful person. It's not your problem is it? A man marrying a man today is not so much different than an African American marrying a Caucasian 20 years ago. It's not your life, leave it alone.

It makes me sad to see all these young lives cut short. Wasn't it hard enough being in junior high without all this crap? And who knows if all these kids that took their own lives were actually homosexual? How many times have you heard, or even said, "Quit being gay," knowing fully that the person you were talking to was straight? How many of these boys were just late bloomers, had that young, feminine look? And were not strong enough to handle the pressures and stigma of being accused of a lifestyle that is still too taboo to deal with in public?

Saying , "Bullying is Bad," isn't working, we need to change that. There are so many ways kids are picked on, have been picked on, bullies have been around since public school started. Yes we should encourage all bullying to stop, but if studies prove that by naming the problem it helps, then by all means, NAME IT! Overweight kids, short kids, tall kids, homosexual kids. ALL OF THEM NEED PROTECTION. I know that when the sexual harassment laws were passed for work, having a name, something to talk about, helped the victims, and shut up the offenders. If you know for a fact that you are not supposed to do something, specifically, you are less likely to offend. If you know that you aren't supposed to tell explicit nasty jokes in the work place, you will probably think twice about the company you are with before you do it, correct? So kids, who do like rules, will probably think about their wording more if they aren't allowed to say "gay" and "faggot." And the kids being called such names will have a defense when they go to a teacher, counselor or parent.
Jared, bullied for his size.

Another thing that irritates me about this whole thing is that the Focus on the Family side wants to say homosexuals are pushing their "agenda." First of all, I wasn't aware that there was a movement to make everyone homosexual. Do they have a recruitment office or something? Are they giving out cookies? Being open-minded and asking for equal rights has been going on for as long as I can remember, regardless of the issue at hand. Second of all, what about the religious agenda? What about freedom of religion? If we can't push one agenda how can we push another? How does that work? In the clip at the bottom of this blog, Candi Cushman says that they believe "all children are created in God's image." Ok, that's fine, I agree with that, but does everyone in the nation believe that? So if not everyone believes that homosexuality is 'ok' or Christian, well how can we assume everyone in the nation believes in the Christian God?

I wish we could just go back to the Declaration of Independence, remember those words?

"We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

In closing, before you judge ANYONE, or any policy, think about how this declaration applies to you, and how you would feel if any of your unalienable Rights, were taken away.

* Pictures featured in this blog are of kids who took their own lives because of depression and bullying. Please note that it is far more reaching than just sexual orientation.

Anderson Cooper's Interview on CNN

Sarah Silverman's Message to America on what we teach our kids.

***Public school is not your only option, if you greatly disagree to the new anti-bullying and the teaching of tolerance to all individuals and lifestyles, there are numerous Christian schools, and of course, Home School.***

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