Monday, September 27, 2010

Love Is a Finicky Thing... a lot of people anyway. Ok so I know I just decided to take a break from dating, and this is NOT about me deciding to stray from that plan. I'm very happy now that I made my decision, and the decision to stick with it!

However, I get to sit back and watch people make the same mistakes over and over again. And yet every time they start, they think it's the best thing in the world. I guess that's the great thing about "love" or lust I think is more appropriate at that stage. So for a week it will be posts about how wonderful and amazing life is, and then in a month it will be crap.

I've always been someone who takes some time, usually a lot of time, to say those three little words. Maybe this is because I've been on the receiving end - too early - too many times. And it makes me uncomfortable. There are few people that I say "I love you" to. And to those people, I say it often, because I really do love them! I have to admit that the last relationship, I said it early, way early, and I should have known better, I hadn't even gotten to know this person and here I was saying those committing words. That right there should be a warning - if by saying those words I feel committed, and worried about it, then I definitely shouldn't be saying it!

The other side of the story is - Those who fall in and out of love so easily, tend to base their whole world on the status of their numerous relationships. Every time I have decided to be single I have been happy, with myself. And I think this is HUGE for anyone! How can you love another if you can't stand to be alone with yourself?

I'm sure I sound all high and mighty about relationships, and some might take this as my jealousy towards those in happy unions. But that's not it at all. I just see what I have been doing, but through others actions and it makes me more confident that this is the best decision for me right now.

I wish I could tell some of these people these things without getting criticism or defense, but I can't, so I will empty my thoughts here. I guess it's the hardest for me to see friends jump from one relationship, directly to another without a minute to breathe. I did this, and I at least had a couple months in between - still I feel like I just JUMPED and rebounded, over and over again. And there is a couple of friends with kids in the mix. I still feel horrible for the two people I got my kids close to. I feel so guilty for doing that too them. Divorce was hard enough but letting more people into their lives for me to just decide that it wasn't right? Wrong Mom! You should have figured it out BEFORE your kids got used to seeing these people on a daily basis!

And I know that I didn't feel this guilt until the relationships were over, or almost over, and I realized what I did again. And I know that these people don't see it now, but it's happening. Those little hearts are getting attached to the one you are with, and when you break up, they will have no concept of why or how. And you are going to be left explaining why that person isn't around, and won't be around anymore. I know, because I answer these questions often.

I'm happy that right now I am in control of my happiness and my destination - and I know that no matter what I will remain in control. As long as I stay with this ideal, I will remain strong, and healthy, relationship or not. I will not be brought down because someone is in a bad mood. I will determine how I feel, based on HOW I FEEL, not someone else!

I wish I could spread that to more people - by example I guess. Maybe we are all separate halves of a whole - looking to be complete. But I want my half to be as whole and stable as possible before I attach it to someone else!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Winter Blues Already?

Or am I just contemplating my situation? Probably more of the latter. All I know is I really wish I could see the future and know that all of this is somehow going to be just fine, and just what I needed.

Lately I've even been going all the way back, like 18 months, seems like longer I swear! And thinking about my divorce and decision to separate. What could I have done different? What could have changed to make everything perfect now? I'm not going to answer those questions, because, frankly, it doesn't matter. I can't turn back the clock and re-do anything.

Maybe things could have been fixed, even during the separation, but it takes both parties and well, there wasn't much motivation or trying on either end. I was convinced this was best for me, and I have to remember that. I spent many days, weeks, months before I made that choice, and when I did I was very sure that the overall happiness, healthiness, and well being, of myself and my children was dependent on that. And he was remarried less than a year after separation and less than 3 weeks after the actual divorce, so yeah.

I guess it's just that I'm stuck in that awkward dilemma of doubting myself. And doing it a year later doesn't help anything at all. If I would have done things differently with Tim I may not have been in this extra difficult situation. May not? Ok we all know it wouldn't have happened, or maybe it would? Maybe this baby is meant to be? I guess I have to think that it is, because otherwise I might get drug down in the muck of doubt and insecurity, and I really don't want to be there.

The facts are, no matter what decision I made there was another party that could have made a difference. That could have changed the way things are right now. I take a lot of blame for both. And unfortunately, at this point, I'm having a hard time placing any blame on the other two. This is not healthy and only going to make the long winter seasons harder if I don't get over it.

I know, at least with the divorce decision, most of it comes from having to deal with, what most split parents deal with. Kids maturing, asking questions and putting words to what happened. I haven't "hid" anything from my kids. Obviously I haven't told them anything that is above their understanding. But Tattem is starting to talk, and she's starting to call her step-mom Mama. It was hard to get a picture from her class today that labeled me as Mama: Rochelle, and even harder to see the note on the back that read "didn't draw Daddy because Mommy broke up with him". She has told me before that "it's ok to call Stephanie 'mama', and I don't really know what to say to it. She has two stepsisters saying 'Mom' and it's a natural word for her to use. I don't get mad at her, and I don't tell her I'm sad. I just mention that Stephanie is her Step Mother and I will always be her real mother. Sometimes I'm able to look at the positive, and think that she is lucky to have two moms, and I say this much to her almost every time. But right now, I'm just, well sad.

It didn't help that after dropping Tate off at her class we saw a little boy that is in her class, as well as her Church class, and he asked me "Why did you break up with that guy?" I guess it's hard to hear it put so much as what I did. It wasn't just me. I didn't just "break up" with their father. He had a big hand in the decision I made, and he knows this, right? And if he doesn't, I would assume he was over it, since he's remarried and all.

I don't know what else to do but write right now. It helps, and I'm going to reach out to my doctor, I know I'm in a position for depression, with the pregnancy hormones and all, so I'm going to be cautious.

I guess I'm just a little overwhelmed emotionally, and physically. Not to mention the daunting task of having another kid, while the father is wherever he is. Not feeling so smart at the moment.

This isn't for pity, if anything it's for me to read and tell myself to 'buck up,' 'get over it and do something about it'. But it really does help. Thanks for listening.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Being Right, kind of sucks.

Most of you know my unique situation, and if you read the previous blog you know I owned up to my part of my condition - my part, being all of it. Anyway, the other half the situation and I are well, taking a break. At least that's what I thought.

Taking a break to me, well I had hoped he would try to convince me that he was either going to change, or that he loves me, like he says. Or make SOME effort to keep in touch. I mean I am carrying his child. But no, my predictions came true.

He went right back to where I thought he would, and doing what I suspect he's doing. Not more than one phone call to retrieve his things and ten minutes here while getting his things. I'm sad, but at the same time, it makes my decision a lot easier to stick too. With no fight, no guilt, no, well anything, I can't really argue with my actions at all. I guess it is for the better.

I just feel like I'm always the one breaking things off, and well, it still hurts, it's still not any fun. But it makes it worse when the other person rolls over and says "Okay" I guess it wasn't much to them either.

Here I am, sitting at my computer. More confident in my decision to stay single. Focusing on the important relationships in my lives and working on having healthier friendships, with healthier people.

My kids are a wonderful distraction, and watching them grow and mature, and prove me wrong, it's a joy and a blessing, and a challenge every day. It makes it so much more plausible to leave another extra person out of my life. I hardly have enough time in a week to do what I want to do.

I'm getting Tattem involved in some of my hobbies, as she is finally old enough to do so. Tonight we are going to learn how to use a sewing machine. Tristin is going to have full days with JUST MOM time and I'm so excited about that. We are going to bake cookies and play games and do all of these great activities I was given to do with him. It will be great for our relationship. And all this while Tattem embarks on a whole new phase of life, School...

It's crazy to think that 5 years have passed since I held her in my arms for the first time, and thinking about it now will get me all teary eyed. She is an amazing individual, beautiful inside and out. I'm excited to see how she turns out, and to be a part of it.

So even if I started in a negative tone, as much of my thoughts usually end with my kids, it is always a positive ending.